3 Unbeatable Benefits of Rummy Tournaments
Indian rummy is making a buzz on the web and mobile gaming industry. The game of skill and strategy is a favourite among players of all age groups which helped it to rank high in multiple categories in the app stores. If you have been playing free rummy games, you may have been missing out on a major chunk of entertainment. The adrenaline rush a player can get when real money is involved is unbeatable.
Unlike other games that involve the element of luck, rummy allows you to play with your skills and therefore it is one of the best card games to play with cash. The free rummy online game table let you take fewer risks but comes with a small prize pool too. You can opt to play on cash tables or can test your skills on tournaments for a bigger prize pool. The benefits of playing in rummy tournaments are as listed below.
Better Strategies
If you are playing rummy games online, you can compete with players with a unique strategy of their own. You should be having a strategy of your own which is unique or may have developed it playing free rummy games with your friends. Either way, playing in tournaments will help you to learn from the professional players along with polishing the strategy that is unique to yourself. With multiple game variants and each tournament having multiple rounds, you can be sure of learning something new every day.
Improved Skills
Rummy is known to be a skill game, and therefore it is said that even children who play free rummy can gain skills like observation, prediction, improvisation on strategies etc. A player who logins on an online rummy site on a daily basis may be having a polished skill-set to play around with. While on rummy tournaments, he may beat one round after another just because he is very good at reading hands of opponents. Such calculative moves reading your opponents can be gained only by playing rummy games having multiple rounds. With each passing round, you can be sure of learning your opponent in a better way so that at the end of the game you are declared a winner.
Big Prize Pool
Free rummy games give you a very small prize pool whereas cash tables allow you to take home bigger rewards. But if you are investing your time and money on rummy tournaments, you will be playing for a prize pool worth millions. With multiple satellite rounds and free entry options, some tournaments run for over a month. One such tournament was World Rummy Tournament that allowed players to qualify from the satellites so that they can play on live tables at some of the exotic locations of South East Asia. These live rummy tournaments can help a player to develop skills and connect with similarly minded players while boosting the balance sheet.
If you are ready to move away from free rummy games, we recommend you to check out the tournaments at RummyMillionaire.com. For a detailed tutorial playing rummy for cash, check out our ‘How to Play’ section.