5 Commandments for a Better Online Rummy Experience
With the growing popularity of anything under the sun, comes a mass number of people supporting or opposing it. Online rummy is one such game that grew to its peak popularity over the last decade and is still keeping the same momentum by adding hundreds and thousands of players each day. But with the rise of players, comes the good and bad side of gaming experience. Many good players even stop playing this skill-based game just because they are not getting a proper gaming experience although the platforms do everything to keep it clean.
Some of the best online rummy sites in India request their players to play responsibly so that everyone on the table can have a good time. Although it’s practically impossible to correct millions of people against bad behaviour on gaming tables, you can take the initiative to keep the traditional game of rummy clean. Here are the five commandments you should follow for a better gaming experience and a better tomorrow for Indian rummy.
Rummy is a skill cum strategy based game and thus requires all your attention. You must not join a table unless it is practice table to spoil the gaming experience of other players. If you think you can’t do anything good joining a particular table, try practising your game until you think you can give a competition for everyone joining a freeroll or real money rummy table.
Don’t be Noisy
This is one mantra you should remember while joining a practice or freeroll tables in online rummy sites. The chat window is to make friends with similarly skilled players and not to create a rivalry. You can have a good chat with other players, but we recommend not using this feature as much as possible as it may not be so welcoming for your opponents.
Join Daily Promotions
The best rummy sites in India often launch promotions and contests that can help you play more games. Join these promotions or challenge yourself with some skill-based rummy contest to earn rewards. If you are a real money player, you can also redeem bonus offers or cashback deal on your deposit made during the promotion period. So, log in every day and check the latest promotions for a better gaming experience.
Invite your Friends
Just like any other game, rummy is also more fun when played with friends. You can invite your friend circle for a matchup in any of the top Indian rummy sites and also can claim a reference bonus. The bonus you claim depends on the number of friends you invite and the number of friends who play real money games on the site. So, the more friends you invite, the better gaming experience you will enjoy!
Play with Pros
Once you have done practising your game, we recommend you try different formats of the game with the professional players on the site. Playing with professional players will give you more exposure; level you up in loyalty point counter along with a chance to learn new and unique rummy strategies. As each format of the Indian rummy game is different from another, you must comprehend the rules too before you go one on one with the professional players.