Difference between Various Forms of Rummy
Rummy can be considered as a game changer in the Indian gaming industry. Most of the rummy based games are ranking top in the app stores, and it shows the interest of players in card games that involve skill and strategies. As rummy also have multiple formats and variants with relatable rules to play, it is much easier to master one and move on to another for extra fun hours.
In this article, we will be talking about the different forms of rummy you should try in your spare time to improve your skills. You can practice these formats of the game and play rummy online real money on cash games or tournaments. So, learn the differences and apply the strategies accordingly!
Points Rummy
Points rummy is considered as one of the fastest formats of rummy games out these. The game as the name suggests is played for points which are assigned a monetary value. Because of the same, each player joining this game has to pay an entry fee while entering a table. The winner of the game gets no points and whereas the losers will be assigned points based on the cards that are not grouped as sets or sequences.
Deals Rummy
Deals rummy is played for a pre-decided number of deals. Each player participating in the game is assigned chips which are valued one point. A player needs to pay an entry-fee to play deals rummy games. The winner will take all the chips of the losing players and thus will have maximum chips in his hands. The length of the game depends on the number of deals you are playing in and the experience of the players. If you want to have some casino-like experience playing with chips, deals rummy is the best option for you!
Pool Rummy
Pool rummy is played almost like points rummy but with a fixed point limit, say 101 or 201 points. Each player participating in a game starts the game with zero points. The players who reach 101 points or 201 points in a game get knocked out of the game whereas the player with zero points is declared a winner. If you are playing deals rummy online for money, you will get the entry fee paid by the losing opponents.