How to Get Prepared for Big Cash Rummy Games?
Competing in cash rummy games is no child’s game. In order to take home the real cash from cash rummy tables, you need to be very cautious while discarding from your hand and picking from the discard section. One mistake in this can turn the whole game upside down.
Before joining any rummy events that includes real cash, both online and offline, do prepare by playing small cash rummy tables like Sit n’ Go tables. This will give you enough exposure to the type of players you might encounter while playing big rummy tournaments.
A common skill that you must develop is to use the Joker card in the best sequence so that you can finish the game. You should also learn to play without Joker cards in case you are unlucky to get one. You can polish these skills by playing practice games in Rummy Millionaire.
Join Rummy Millionaire and know the advanced strategies to play cash games in big tournaments. Also claim your Free Rs.25 credited to your account the time you join in. You can use this cash to play on daily freeroll tourneys, cash games and in other daily promotional tournaments. if you are a new player and want to learn the game, we got it covered too. Go to our How to Play Rummy category to learn the rules before hitting the cash rummy tables.