How to Grow your Rummy Skills?
Rummy is a game that involves skill to gain a win. Every player is not born with skills required to play the game and therefore, the need to polish and upgrade the skill is necessary. Like any other skills, once mastered, you can be sure of playing a really good game and also to win real cash by joining cash tables. The learning and mastering of the rummy skills requires so much of practice and can be done only by playing more games with as many opponents as possible. This not only gives you an idea on your opponent’s game play but also will let you to learn how to play rummy with a new strategy of your own. In this article we will be sharing some of the popular methods used by pros of 13 cards rummy to upgrade their skill.
Join Practice Tables
Playing offline rummy can reward you with skills but playing with a same set of players over and over again nullifies the opportunity to upgrade your skills. Therefore, it is always advisable to join the Practice Tables in top online rummy websites to play for free as well as to compete with hundreds of opponents. The more you play with different set of unique players; the chances of improving your online rummy game skills are high. As practice tables allow you to join any table and format of your choice without spending a single penny, this should be your first option if you ever want to go online and learn rummy.
Are Freeroll Tables worth your Time?
If you are a regular player on any online rummy website, you may know about the free entry tables which allow you win cash. The freeroll tables are made for new players who are still in a learning phase but may join the cash tables or tournaments once they become confident about their game play. The freeroll tables are worth your time too as many cash players who are looking for a comeback after their loss in cash tables play on these tables to gain their lost confidence. After joining the freeroll tables, check your opponent’s player profile and have a flexible rummy strategy according to your opponent’s skill level. The more you work on your game strategy, the more you will improve on your skills and confidence to play on cash tables.
Rummy Video Tutorials and Blogs
Most 13 cards rummy enthusiasts have gone through popular video streaming platforms like YouTube to learn the basics of the game. Although most of these videos are fan-made, some tutorial videos from online rummy platforms can help you to learn new strategy for the game. Some of the videos will also help you to learn the hands of your opponents, bluff them and also to gain a win. Alternatively, if you prefer reading to watching videos, there are over hundreds of websites that will offer you with quick tips on rummy strategy and ways to improve it.
If you are a new player and want to improve on your rummy skills, visit our How to Play Online Rummy Games category. Got feedback on our website? Post it in the comment section below.