How to Play Classic Online Cash Rummy Games Responsibly?
Playing classic rummy responsibly is something that all players must be doing given the addictive the skill game is. With certain limitations to the time, you spend on the tables to limiting your bankroll are great ways to control yourself by playing irresponsibly. Being one of the best sites to play classic rummy online, also takes responsibility for adverse consequences if irresponsible gaming is found on the platform. Therefore, we have implemented precautionary measures which are listed as below.
Restriction on Players
If you are playing at, you may already know there is a restriction on players under the age of 18 years to create an account at Players under 18 years will not be able to play on real money tables too.
Safety Measures on Rummy Millionaire
It is very normal to get addicted to gaming, and if you play classic rummy online, the chances are higher. To reduce this addictiveness to gaming, there is a 24x7 monitoring to track collusion or other fraudulent behaviours that may add on to the gaming obsession of any player. There is also a limit on the deposit amount for each player on the website to discourage the obsession. Players can also be sure of having a safe account as uses high-level encryption security system.
What can you do?
As being a responsible classic rummy player, you need to make a balance between your life and gaming hours. Online rummy is a skill game and should be considered as a fun activity rather than a money making software. Play real money games with a positive mind and avoid to spend your time when you are distressed. If you are losing, leave the table and try again whenever you are in a good mood. If you are new to the game, learn the rules and try your hands on Practice or Freeroll tables before joining the cash rummy tables.
We hope these tips will help you play classic rummy online free or cash games in a responsible way. If you have a query or need more tips, please mail us our 24x7 customer support team at If you have got a suggestion on the gameplay, promotions or tournaments, post it in the comment section below.